+ Creative Team
Director: Roisin McBrinn (Villa & Discurso) Sophie Motley (Tejas Verdes)
Cast: Bernadette Brown, Pauline Hutton, Eleanor Methven, Amy Molloy, Emma O'Kane
Set & LX Design: Ciaran Bagnall
Sound Design: Enrico Fidone
Costume Design: Sarah Bacon
Production Manager: Marty Moore
Stage Manger: Monica McNally
Assistant Stage Manager: Natalie Murphy
Immerse yourself in a triple header of the best in homegrown drama, centred of Chile's turbulent past, the Pinochet regime and the challenges faced by those in a society of transition.
From the darkest depths of Tejas Verdes (directed by Sophie Motley), to unexpectedly funny moments in Villa & Discurso (directed by Roisin McBrinn), this is theatre like you've never experienced before.
“A provocative season of political theatre that’s impossible to forget”